Learning the Prince’s profession – part one “Legitimacy”

Learning the Prince’s profession – part one “Legitimacy”

Today we celebrate the birthday of Italian renaissance thinker and writer Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, born on the 3 May 1469. He was a historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer. He has often been called the founder of modern political science. He was for many years a senior official in the Florentine Republic, with responsibilities in diplomatic and military … Continue reading Learning the Prince’s profession – part one “Legitimacy”

Prince Freï on “Finding your own Throne”

Every human being is called to find their own “Throne”. We are called to find the support for our own empowerment, emancipation and self-expression. As the Prince of Lorenzburg I believe in a possible radical freedom for every person on this planet, and it is my duty and calling to inspire every citizen to start … Continue reading Prince Freï on “Finding your own Throne”

H.S.H. & Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda

H.S.H. & Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda

His Serene Highness and Gentle Glory, Prince Freï of Lorenzburg, Protector of the Oppressed, Defender of Freedom, Mystical Fount and Unshakeable Foundation of the Principality of Lorenzburg, to All Our Most Beloved Subjects Whatsoever, to Our Allies and Cherished Friends, to the Princes of all Earthly Realms and To All to Whom these Presents shall come, Greeting! LET IT … Continue reading H.S.H. & Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda