The Right Honourable the Lord von Bartenberg

We are delighted to announce that sisters Veronica Deland and Maria Bodin are jointly appointed and raised Baronesses under the name Drakenbåågh (Dragon’s bow), as recognition of services to the nation. We congratulate the newly appointed Baronesses as they are introduced to the Lorenzburgian House of Nobility – the Shields’ Guild.
Sound advice for developing Nobility in both common and gentle folk. I give thanks to the legendary filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky who is said to be the originator of these “commandments”. I also must recommend watching Jodorowsky’s films. The documentary about how he almost got to make a movie adaptation of Frank Herbert’s “Dune” is absolutely wonderful! micronation I like … Continue reading Advice on Living and developing Nobility
His Serene Highness and Gentle Glory, Prince Freï of Lorenzburg, Protector of the Oppressed, Defender of Freedom, Mystical Fount and Unshakeable Foundation of the Principality of Lorenzburg, to All Our Most Beloved Subjects Whatsoever, to Our Allies and Cherished Friends, to the Princes of all Earthly Realms and To All to Whom these Presents shall come, Greeting! LET IT … Continue reading H.S.H. & Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda