H.S.H. & Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda

H.S.H. & Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda

His Serene Highness and Gentle Glory, Prince Freï of Lorenzburg, Protector of the Oppressed, Defender of Freedom, Mystical Fount and Unshakeable Foundation of the Principality of Lorenzburg, to All Our Most Beloved Subjects Whatsoever, to Our Allies and Cherished Friends, to the Princes of all Earthly Realms and To All to Whom these Presents shall come, Greeting!

LET IT BE KNOWN that it is Our Will and Command to extend titles and styles to Our Well-Beloved Kinswoman, Betrothed to Our Perfectly Beloved Brother: His Serene Highness the Thundering Throne Prince Markus.

We welcome to Our family, Her Serene Highness and Celestial Luminosity Princess Amanda. 

A monogram

AND WE DO ALL THESE THINGS under Our Great Seal on this sixteenth day of February, in this our most auspicious year 2016. May all Sentient Beings Benefit from the acts here brought to pass.