There was no fairer Tabernacle! (The national anthem of Lorenzburg)

There was no fairer Tabernacle! (The national anthem of Lorenzburg)

The national anthem of Lorenzburg makes references to the constellation Corona Borealis (Northern Crown) and the banner known as the Oriflamme. Here is a translation of the lyrics from Swedish into English. In the translation the meaning of the text has been prioritized over rhythm and rhymes that are present in the original language. We are currently working with a composer to make the melody into a choir setting in four harmonies.

As with all national anthems, the purpose of the song is to celebrate the little patch of land where one happens to live. In Lorenzburg we uphold the values of hospitality, generosity and community. Each and everyone is welcome and the light of the seven stars of the Northern Crown embraces the rich, the poor, the neighbor and stranger alike. This is a national anthem worthy of a fairytale nation! Enjoy if you will:

There was no fairer Tabernacle!

1. Se de sju stjärnornas krans,
som kallas den Nordan Krona:
Har svept likt en mantel sin glans
för att riket vårda och skona.

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
Myllan ger liv åt mirakel!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
O, härliga Tabernakel!

1. See the wreath of seven stars
they are called the Northern Crown:
They have folded the nation in its robe of light
To protect it and to hold it

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
the soil gives birth to miracles!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
There was no fairer Tabernacle!

2. Och var port i hjärtats borg:
står öppen för främling och frände!
Vi enas i jubel och sorg,
när vi håller grannarnas händer.

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
Myllan ger liv åt mirakel!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
O, härliga Tabernakel!

2. And each gate to the castle of the heart
Is open alike to kin and stranger
United in gladness and sorrow
as we take our neighbor’s hand

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
the soil gives birth to miracles!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
There was no fairer Tabernacle!

3. Påfågeln skrider så lätt
I skog och på männskobarnens gångar
Och en enhörning krumsprångar nätt
Medan näktergalen sångar

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
Myllan ger liv åt mirakel!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
O, härliga Tabernakel!

3. The peacock strides serenely
in the woods and on human pathways
And the unicorn frolics in ease
as the Nightingale sings her songs

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
the soil gives birth to miracles!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
There was no fairer Tabernacle!

4. Oriflammen: gyllne och röd
smyckad med krona och ärta
med vederkvickande glöd
Du skingrar skuggor och svärta!

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
Myllan ger liv åt mirakel!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
O, härliga Tabernakel!

4. The Oriflamme: In red and gold,
adorned with noble crown and pea
With invigorating fire
you disband the powers of darkness

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
the soil gives birth to miracles!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
There was no fairer Tabernacle!

5. For jag vilse på okänt hav,
Mitt hjärta är en kompassnål!
genom eld, över slukande grav
min längtan för mig till målet

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
Myllan ger liv åt mirakel!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
O, härliga Tabernakel!

5. And if I’m lost on the unknown seas
My heart shall be my compass!
Through fires and over devouring graves
My longing takes me home at last

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
the soil gives birth to miracles!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
There was no fairer Tabernacle!

A sixth verse has a lighter note and the character of  a traditional Scandinavian “Snapsvisa”  (Shcnapps song) to accompany a toast. 

6. Först en sup! Och sedan ett hurra,
För Fursten och denna vår lustgård!
till livet: ett rungande JA!
Och omsorg om allt vi satts att vårda!

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
Myllan ger liv åt mirakel!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
O, härliga Tabernakel!

6. First a drink! And then a loud Hooray!
To the Prince and this our garden of Eden.
To life itself: a mighty AY!
And with love for everything in our care.

Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
the soil gives birth to miracles!
Lorenzburg, Lorenzburg:
There was no fairer Tabernacle!

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