Lots of Socks in Lorenzburg 2018!

Lots of Socks in Lorenzburg 2018!

Today is the international Down Syndrome Day, a day that is also known as Lots of Socks. Down syndrome is also known as trisomy 21, and it is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Hence it is celebrated in the 21:st of March (21/3). The day is dedicated to fighting prejudices and misconceptions against people with Down Syndrome. Learn more of the condition here: National Down Syndrome Society.

Today we sport different colored socks in Lorenzburg. Everyone, regardless of color, shape, functionality or background are welcome in our Principality. Because of this we put on socks of many colors and dance a happy gigue across the floors! Do you want to participate? Send your picture to prince.frei@lorenzburg.org and we will publish it on the webpage today 🙂

Here below are the Princely feet of Their Serene Highnesses Princes Freï and Andreas of Lorenzburg:

Do you wish to participate? Send your own picture to riksmarskalk@lorenzburg.org and we will publish it on the webpage today 🙂

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