Happy Christmas from the Grand Principality of Lorenzburg

The winter solstice marks the day when the tides of light are turning. It is also the birthday of H.S.H. Prince Magnus – younger brother to Prince Frei. Today is Prince Magnus’ 42:nd birthday.
Resolution adopted at MicroCon 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America Micronational Declaration on Ecological Stewardship The global community of micronations, small countries, and aspirant states assembled at MicroCon 2017, Deeply conscious of the threat posed to the health of the world’s ecosystems by causes of human origin, including climate change, Deeply concerned by the … Continue reading Lorenzburg signs micronational declaration on Ecological Stewardship
Happy Saint Lucy’s Day to all citizens and friends of Lorenzburg! This day is celebrated on the 13th of December – the feast day of the Sicilian saint Lucy. In this part of the world the Saint Lucy celebrations are an amalgamate of pre-crhistian and christian figures and traditions. According to the earlier Gregorian calendar … Continue reading Happy Saint Lucy’s Day from Lorenzburg!
On the occasion of the passing of H.S.H. Newgrave Louis-Philippe I of the Newgraviate of SAINT-CASTIN, H.S.H Prince Frei has sent the following message of condolences to H.E. Minister-President Dominic Desaintes-Bellemare: His Excellency Minister-President Dominic Desaintes-Bellemare Saint-Castin, Prince Andreas and I have learned with profound regret and sadness of the demise of His Serene Highness … Continue reading Condolences to Minister-President Dominic Desaintes-Bellemare of Saint-Castin
Prince Frei’s birthday on the 4th of December coincides with the feast day of St. Barbara. She is the patron saint of all things loud and banging – like cannons, dynamite and fireworks! The day offers an opportunity to fly the ancient Lorenzburgian flag the Oriflamme – the Flame of Lorenzburg. If one doesn’t have … Continue reading We congratulate H.S.H. Prince Frei on his 44th birthday.