We congratulate the Principality of Surland on its National Day

We congratulate the Principality of Surland on its National Day


We are delighted to congratulate our dear friends and allies of the Principality of Surland on their National Holiday. The Principalities Surland and Lorenzburg have had formal diplomatic relations since July of 2015.

Surland is a rolemodel for its work for human and equal rights, for peace and tolerance, for freedom of thought, speech and act. We are very happy to be able to count Surland as one of our allies. We are most honored to be able to call H.S.H. Prince Clément, a great man and a noble Prince, our dear friend.

Long Live the Principality of Surland! Vivat!

Visit the official webpage to learn more: Principality of Surland

2 thoughts on “We congratulate the Principality of Surland on its National Day

  1. I did visit their homepage but have to confess that it bothers me a little that I can´t find where on the earth they are situated. For some unknown reason I find it important that a micronation has some georgraphical base. They seem to be of french origin and I wanted to read their declaration about frankophobia but my french was too weak…

    1. Hej Cecilia, det går att välja engelska som förval på toppen av sidan (har jag för mig). Tack för senast!

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