April Fools’ Day, known as “april fools’ pranks” in English, is a tradition celebrated around the world on April 1st each year. It’s a time for laughter and playfulness as people engage in tricking and joking with each other. But how did this peculiar and entertaining tradition originate?

The history of April Fools’ dates back several centuries, with somewhat unclear origins. A popular theory is that the tradition has its roots in France during the 16th century. According to this story, during that time, King Charles IX introduced the Gregorian calendar. Previously, New Year’s celebrations had occurred at the end of March or beginning of April. When the Gregorian calendar was introduced, New Year’s was moved to January 1st. Those who continued to celebrate the old New Year became the subjects of pranks and jests, and were called “April fools” by those who had adapted to the new date.

The Lord Marshal’s Office clarifies that today’s announcement of Prince Frei’s immediate abdication is an April Fools’ prank. The Prince declares that he still has much to offer in his capacity as the monarch of the West Coast and hopes to serve the people for many years to come. Keep an eye out for the next exciting project from the West Coast Monarchy of Lorenzburg!