We welcome the nation’s nine newest Citizens

We welcome the nation’s nine newest Citizens

We are most delighted to welcome nine new Citizens to the realm.

Non-residential Citizen 111: Billy Ross III – USA

Non-residential Citizen 112: Christopher Stevenson – UK

Non-residential Citizen 113: Jake Walsh – USA

Non-residential Citizen 114: Guy Singer – UK

Non-residential Citizen 115: Kolawole Olanrewaju Olayeni – Nigeria

Non-residential Citizen 116: Lucy Lyons – UK

Non-residential Citizen 117: Mohsin Nazirahmed Kapadiya – India

Non-residential Citizen 118: Gemma Carbone – Sweden/ Italy

Non-residential Citizen 119: Mugabo Mark – Mozambique

A most heartfelt Welcome to the Most Serene Principality of Lorenzburg!

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