Lorenzburg stands with Belgium

Lorenzburg stands with Belgium

I am immensely sad to hear of the vile and cowardly attacks in Brussels, where at least 34 innocent people lost their lives and 200 were injured. It is a terrible attack on democracy, freedom, tolerance, human rights and everything that is good and true in this world.

Today we fly the Oriflamme, the ancient banner of Lorenzburg, in solidarity with Belgium. We raise it proudly as an act of glorious defiance against the agents of darkness: those that take lives and create suffering without remorse. micronation

We, the Principality of Lorenzburg, have committed ourselves to champion the values of knowledge, reason and the universal supreme personal freedom to live, love and learn. We take this commitment very seriously, it is sacred to us. Therefore we are compelled to raise our Banner and our voices against DAESH, the errand boys of evil, and we extend our hearts, thoughts and hands towards Brussels in this hour of darkness.

His Serene Highness and Gentle Glory:
Prince Freï of Lorenzburg

Oreflamme sirlig liten