Lorenzburg and the Archduchy of Mimas has established diplomatic relations since 2015.
The Archduchy of Mimas is a micronation that was founded on the 30th of April 2010. The nations has territorial claims on a small patch of land on the Bjäre peninsula in southerns Sweden, as well as extra-terrestrial claims to Mimas, one of the planet Saturn’s moons.
H.R.H. the Archduke Christoph II currently lives in the Swedish city of Malmö, however he grew up on the beautiful Bjäre peninsula in the Skåne region. Apart from his duties as reigning Monarch, he is also currently a university student of history and religion. The Archdukes full title, though rarely used, is His Royal Highness, Christoph the second, Archduke of Mimas, Duke of Galileo, supreme protector of the Mimasian people, protector of the stars, Grand Master of the Order of Saturn and of the Order of St. Thora.
Learn more of the Archduchy of Mimas here