Öppna gränser liten

The Principality of Lorenzburg is a nation with, and without, borders. In Lorenzburg we strive to create and strengthen a Nourishing Neighborhood. This will be achieved through a series of concrete workshops where Citizens meet artists, academics and innovators.

The physical expanse of Lorenzburg coincides with the borders of the city section of Lorensberg in Karlstad, but the true nation is hidden, vast and without borders. Everyone is welcome in this ethereal nation. The Principality of Lorenzburg is a protector of each individual’s supreme right to live, love and grow as they choose. The nation celebrates the carnivalesque and majestic qualities that is innate within all humans. Therefore everyone and anyone is welcome, regardless of ethnicity, creed or previous history. The Department for Open Borders shall oversee that no one is turned away: Come as you are, become who you want to be! micronation